“If training is a cost, imagine the cost of ignorance”

There is no denying the fact that knowledgeable, well-trained and motivated employees not only help them achieve their full potential and dreams but also help their organizations grow faster and achieve quicker results.

Investing time, effort and energy in one’s own development is the best way to achieve one’s true potential and fulfill their dreams. In today’s competitive and fast changing world, continuous upskilling and self-development is an absolute necessity and not a luxury. Nothing is becoming stale faster than the knowledge and its application.

What is UpMySkill?

  • It’s a unique tool that has been designed to assess, learn and apply 16 essential skills to improve one’s performance, productivity and professionalism.
  • Regardless of age, profession, years of experience and level of education, this unique tool has been designed to benefit everyone.

How does UpMySkill work?

  • The participants go through a unique assessment that intelligently measures the participant’s knowledge, skills and attitude.
  • It brings out the participants’ strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Our skilled facilitators then deliver power-packed modular training capsules to bridge the gap between the current and the desired level of knowledge and skills
  • The facilitators also help polish the strengths of the participants to take it to the next level of competency.
  • The facilitators also act as  expert coaches and counselors to guide the participants in the right direction.

What our Clients achieve?

If you are an organization, then UpMySkill will improve the performance of your employees and help your business achieve:
  • Higher sales & profitability.
  • Lower costs.
  • Better customer satisfaction.
  • Increased market share.
  • Efficiency in operations.
If you are an individual and have the thirst to develop your own potential and scale bigger heights, the UpMySkill equips you with the right:
  • Knowledge.
  • Skills.
  • Attitude.
  • Motivation to reach your full potential.
  • Where withal  to achieve your goals in a scientific and systematic way.

What’s Unique about UpMySkill?

  • The UpMySkill offers an all-encompassing holistic  learning and implementation approach based on ALPS principle (Assess, Learn, Practice & Succeed).
  • It encourages the participants to take responsibility for their own learning and in turn that of their lives and careers.

What are fundamental skills of the Program?

1. Communicating Assertively To Gain Respect & Attention
2. Asking Questions To Probe Needs & Expectations
3. Listening Actively To Understand Facts & Feelings
4. Controlling Voice To Sound Clear & Confident
5. Speaking Positively To Improve Image & Impact
6. Writing Precisely To  Convey Substance & Style 
7. Observing  Body Language To Uncover The Unsaid
8. Handling Telephone To Make It Work Gainfully
9. Thinking Creatively To Solve Problems & Make Decisions
10. Taking Initiative To Stay Ahead & In Control
11. Working Together To Boost Results & Rewards
12. Respecting Diversity To Enrich & Expand Relations
13. Planning Effectively To Set & Achieve Goals
14. Organizing Efficiently To Save Time & Energies
15. Managing Stress To Stay Healthy & Productive
16. Learning Continuously To Develop Potential & Skills

Why use UpMySkill?

  • Holistic - Uses a unique A.L.P.S. (Assess ▪ Learn ▪ Practice ▪ Succeed) process.
  • Need-based – Pre-training Assessments guide the training requirements.
  • Modular – Divided in 16 independent Training Modules of 1 hour each.
  • Flexible – Program’s duration can be adjusted to suit employees’ availability.
  • Tailored – Assessments & Training Modules can be customized for clients.
  • Practical – The skills learned can be immediately applied in the work place.
  • Participative – Participants learn through highly interactive learning tools.
  • Serious Fun – Learning goals are balanced with fun and enjoyment.
  • Understandable – Program’s language is simple and easily understandable.
  • Ownership – The main responsibility for the learning with the learners.
  • Affordable – It is cost-effective and can be planned to fit within any budget.
Tel.: +971 4 268 97 07 | Mobile +971 52 928 66 88
Email: chander@cmcglobaltraining.com


Since 1996, we have trained over 30000 people helping our clients gain truly sustainable long-term competitive edge by delivering superior services to their customers through competent, committed and motivated employees. We take pride in:

  • Designing and delivering high quality,  cost-effective assessments, training and coaching  in Sales & Service, Supply Chain Management, CRM, TQM, Financial Management and other areas of operational and management excellence
  • Aligning people, processes and technology to organizational vision, goals, strategies and plans for achieving growth and success